Jean Vitau a young, talented, ambitious Parisian jeweler landed in New York City over 53 years ago with a dream of making his mark in the world of high-end jewelry, a family-owned business that is flourishing today under the Gemlok brand. With acceptance of only the highest of quality stones and craftsmanship Gemlok remains a leading jewelry brand with a keen eye for fashion and original design.
Gemlok was seeking a digital creative agency to conceptualize and launch a new ecommerce presence with a strong focus on its brand and capabilities. In a collaborative effort with our partners at IGS Creative, NANO brought to life Gemlok’s vision and expanded its ecommerce reach worldwide.
Gemlok Jewelry
Ecommerce 360
Mobile First UX
Custom Design
B2B and B2C Capabilities
Product Photography
Content Creation
Data Capture